We did lots of fun things for my birthday, though! It kind of turned into a three day event...which of course, is fine with me! Ha! :)
The first celebration was while my mom and sister were here.
One of the missionaries birthdays is the day after mine, so we helped him celebrate too! His name is Elder Larsen and he is REALLY nice! He is writing letters to my sister now ;) Hopefully that works out! Heheh....
Anyway, we had Texas chocolate sheet cake and key lime pie! Sooooo yummmmyyy.....
Then we opened presents....
So that was the week before my birthday.
On my birthday, Tom helped me celebrate it in a very nice way! He made me breakfast: omelets and crepes! Yes, he made me crepes! Tom is a really good cook. He just says he doesn't like to cook because he doesn't like to "work for his food" Ha! I would rather cook than clean....so that's usually how it works out. I cook...Tom does the dishes. It's a good balance :)
Later that night we dropped Ella off at the potluck with Laura O. (Laura O. volunteered to babysit her! AAWWEESSOOMMEEE!!!!) and we went out to dinner! We ate at Bajatzu this SUPER yummy restaurant in Maho. Sooooo good!! I had to take a picture of how pretty the crab cakes were! And yes, I'm wearing a super cute dress ;)
So that was ON my birthday. THEN the next Tuesday (so two days ago) I had a double birthday party with Sharill, since her birthday was on the 13th and this month has been super busy! We decided to have a double party! We had a BIG dinner at Sopranos with everyone. It was really fun! It was so fun to be around so many adults! Haha! :) Even Ella behaved! They had us kind of in our own separate area and Ella only ran out of the area a couple times, which is pretty good for her :)
This is me with my birthday Tiramisu, which actually wasn't as good as most tiramisu. Too bad....oh well! :) It was still really fun to just hang out with people and have adult conversations that aren't all about diapers, teething, and babies in general! Ha! :)
It is weird turning 24. Next year I'll be a quarter of a century years old! Wow...It's funny to think that five years ago, I would have NEVER pictured myself 1. Married 2. with a kid 3. living in the middle of the Caribbean! It is so funny all the things life deals you. It is quite the experience though, let me tell you. Sometimes I wonder what I would be doing if I wasn't down here, especially when so many of my friends aren't married or anything, it kind of seems like a lot of them just never grow up. They are still so into the whole "college" life of partying, drinking, etc. I feel like when you get married and start having kids, you feel like you need to finally take charge and start living a life...instead of living a party.
Anyway....another year is done and gone! :) Happy Birthday to me!